Saturday, 16 July 2011

Rooms MMX / 2010

'Nostalgia Box' - Redesigned


'Library of Scientia' - [was] The Student Group Homeroom

'Hosko's Great Hall & 'Sos Folly'

Rooms MMIX / 2009

'The Unknown Island' - A Project in Miniature Scale Modelling

'Diagon Alley' - [cringe/crmple's] Harry Potter RPG - Room

'Burj Dubai' - [old] Competition Entry

'UK & Ireland'

Rooms MMVIII / 2008

'Nostalgia Box' - [v1] Wenders [soapbox] Homage

'Flourish and Blotts' - [cringe/crmple's] Harry Potter RPG - Room

'F1 Racing Car' - Made before Hamilton's F1 Championship

'Penny Lane'

'Amber Lounge' - Inspired by Layouts & Windows Release

Rooms MMVII / 2007

'Tea House' - [old] Competition Entry & Japanese Release

'Recording Studio' - This Room [v1] Est. in 2004

'Spanish Fort' - Rome Total War RPG [{Tw}] - Room

'Crocodile Temple' - Competition Entry, Most Likely Est. Late 2006